How is smoking negatively affecting your life?
Are you ready to stop smoking?
Feeling tired, wheezy and tight chested?
Have you tried to stop unsuccessfully before?
Maybe you're worried about feeling left out and deprived but can't ignore the symptoms you're feeling in your chest.
Whatever your reasons are for wanting to stop smoking, if you've decided you're ready, hypnotherapy can help you take back control and quit for once and for all.

Positive effects of stopping
20 minutes - Blood pressure returns to normal
8 hours - Carbon monoxide levels halve, oxygen levels return to normal
48 hours - Nicotine has left your body, sense of taste and smell returns
72 hours - Bronchial tubes relax, and energy levels increase
2 weeks - Circulation increases, and will continue to improve for 10 weeks
3 to 9 months - Coughing, wheezing and breathing problems will dissipate
1 year - Risk of heart attack halves
5 years - Risk of stroke returns to that of a non-smoker
10 years - Risk of lung cancer returns to that of a non-smoker
"Hi all,
I had health reasons for quitting and being around for my children and grandchildren and watching my beautiful family grow.
I bit the bullet 1 year ago (January 2019) and let Meabh hypnotise me. Not what I expected but Oh My God it worked. The aftercare is second to none. Meabh rang me at certain intervals after to see if I needed any help and to encourage me all the way, what a treasure and first class lady she is.
I WAS a smoker for 42 years and I haven't looked back and I don't think I ever will.
My smokers cough has gone and I can hold a conversation without coughing.
I don't mind being around other's that smoke which makes me believe that I will never go back to smoking which is an added plus.
I would never ask others to stop, it has to be a personal choice. But if asked for my advice on my experience, that one is easy. I would say, " See Meabh at Mindshift Hypnotherapy."
I highly recommend Meabh. One VERY happy ex smoker!!" Dot
Stopping smoking is a major event in any smoker's life.
I am here to support you through the process, doing up to four sessions to ensure you reach the stage where you no longer feel deprived without cigarettes.
The first two sessions help to get you into the right mindset to stop. You won't be required to stop until the third session. For some people that is enough, but for other people a fourth session is necessary to ensure that you remain a non-smoker for the rest of your precious life.
You will get to the stage where you are ready to be free and happy to move on with the rest of your life without feeling enslaved by nicotine.